Speeding Up the Research Process

The Knowledge Centre for the consultants
The Company provides services to MNC (Multinational Corporation) clients globally advising solutions such as brand strategy, innovation strategy, and market entry.
Our team’s role is to be the knowledge centre for the consultants who work with clients based on their project requests. The projects vary but some examples include writing a proposal for business development or preparing for a presentation as a conference speaker, etc. Therefore, our consultants require background information for these projects, and this is where our team is in charge. We provide secondary research or secondary data for their analysis. Therefore, a high level of coverage in the global markets and various industries with knowledge and data is required for the team.
Changes after subscribing Speeda
The first impression of Speeda is that it has comprehensive company data, especially the financials for private companies, which is not extensively available on other platforms. Before this, we usually purchase business profiles from official sources, such as SSM for the Malaysian market. Our team had to reach out to different sources to collect all this information and we were able to speed up this process by utilizing Speeda.
In addition, we also reduced our expenses on purchasing private companies’ business profiles. With the accurate company search on Speeda, we can shortlist both public and private companies based on financial indicators like revenue size and profit growth. For example, we had a project that required the benchmarking of 50-60 companies’ financial data. By utilizing the Company listing function in Speeda, we were able to compile the data of these companies within minutes and narrow the list to 10. We then downloaded the data from the platform and combined it with information from other sources for further analysis. This helped us save costs for initial research. Without Speeda, we have to purchase company financial data individually.

Designed for Southeast Asia research
Most financial database tools are not focused on the ASIA market. Speeda has the best coverage for Southeast Asian companies and industries including emerging market data.
For us, Speeda is one of the top three tools we use for market research. If we are doing research for Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, or other Southeast Asian markets, Speeda is the go-to database for primary screening.
Once, we had a research project that required the gathering of a large amount of company information and we had to generate a list including 1,000 companies. We managed to export the data from Speeda database by sorting the companies using local SIC (in this case, the Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC) which is more efficient than using global SIC for filtering industry for specific markets).

Speeda’s industry reports also cover niche industries for specific Southeast Asian countries and are also helping us with our market research. Usually, there is not much information available in the public domain but we can find various market reports on highly specific industries and in emerging markets. Also, the reports created by the team provide users deeper analysis of the local market which is useful for us to support our client’s branding and innovation strategy.
For instance, my colleague was searching for data related to a niche industry to make a proposal, which she needed to work on immediately. Usually, we had to spend time on desktop research to compile information from various sources, but in this case, she needed the data immediately so we went to Speeda. To our surprise, we found an industry category of this niche segment in the database and there was an existing report available for the market we wanted. She went through the report and was able to prepare her quick proposal in a timely manner, with the help of the information available in the article.
“At first, we subscribed Speeda for the sole purpose of collecting financial data,
but we noticed that we are also able to understand the overview of the industry and trends from Speeda’s in-house reports stored in this database.”
High-level quality service by the Speeda Consultants
One of the other unique points we can come up with about Speeda is the customer support service in high-level quality. We can reach out for support and suggestions for our research. The team has a high response rate and follows up promptly, making sure that we are all clear with the incoming inquires.

Our team’s next goal is to have broader coverage in the market and information coverage to support various teams. We also expect Speeda to grow as an Asia database with further expansion in the coverage of industry reports and markets.