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Essential Company Data and Industry Information for Your Research


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Public and Private Company Data

Includes private company data from ASEAN-6, China, Korea and Australia


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Top features

Public and Private Company Data

Obtain Key information of both Publicly listed and Private Companies from our comprehensive database with the best coverage for the Southeast Asia regions. Our solution streamlines the search for essential information, encompassing Financials, Shareholders, Subsidiaries, and News, customizable by Region, Industry, and Financial Metrics such as Profitability Growth. Trusted by business and investment professionals for Benchmarking, Valuation, Company Profiling and Target Screening.

Proprietary Industry Reports

Unlimited access to over 3,000 industry reports written by in-house local analysts. Over 560 industry reports are organized by region, encompassing conventional and emerging trends. Understand the market outlook, growth trajectories, key financial metrics, value chains, competitive landscapes, and regulatory dynamics to stay comprehensively informed in minutes. Elevate the efficiency and precision of market research for consulting, market analysis, or strategic corporate planning.

Ask A Consultant Service

Unlock the expertise of local professionals in the Asian market industry, enabling you to significantly enhance the time efficiency of your market research and expedite your business growth.Our dedicated team will provide swift, reliable support by promptly addressing your daily inquiries and offering customized desk-based research services to address your challenges, especially in research for niche segments where data collection can be challenging.

Global Trend Reports

Delve into a wealth of insights on essential topics and stay ahead of market developments with our comprehensive global trend reports. Gain a nuanced understanding of markets in just minutes. from reliable, timely, and indispensable reports, with in-depth industry overviews, value chain analyses, market size statistics, growth trends, competitor landscapes, key player profiles, regulatory insights, monetization strategies, and feature developments. Make informed decisions and uphold the professionalism and competence your clients expect.

Other Features

  • Global news search

    Global News

    Seize business opportunities with the latest Global Business and Financial News. Access thousands of high-quality news sources via Factiva, utilising tailored filters for keyword, media, or regional searches. Set up news alerts aligned with your specific areas of interest to keep you updated.

  • M&A Deals

    M&A Deals & Fundraising

    Gain access to historical and current Mergers and Acquisition transactions data and fundraising deals, including those on startup companies. Utilise advanced search filters for your reseach including deal sourcing, screening, benchmarking, valuation, or analysis by type, size, parties, and more.

  • Flash Opinion Expert Service

    Flash Opinion Expert service

    The Extensive Network Service connects users with industry, geopolitical, and technology professionals to enhance core information from the database. It includes 'FLASH Opinions' for collecting expert insights within 24 hours and 'EXPERT Interviews' to bolster the analysis for decision-making.

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