Industries Covered
10 M
Public and Private Company Data
Includes private company data from ASEAN-6, China, Korea and Australia
Media Sources
Seize business opportunities with the latest Global Business and Financial News. Access thousands of high-quality news sources via Factiva, utilising tailored filters for keyword, media, or regional searches. Set up news alerts aligned with your specific areas of interest to keep you updated.
Gain access to historical and current Mergers and Acquisition transactions data and fundraising deals, including those on startup companies. Utilise advanced search filters for your reseach including deal sourcing, screening, benchmarking, valuation, or analysis by type, size, parties, and more.
The Extensive Network Service connects users with industry, geopolitical, and technology professionals to enhance core information from the database. It includes 'FLASH Opinions' for collecting expert insights within 24 hours and 'EXPERT Interviews' to bolster the analysis for decision-making.