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Private Equity / Venture Capital

Investment companies, especially private equity and venture capital firms,
rely on SPEEDA for robust private company data and industry insights,
making us their go-to platform for target screening and industry research in Southeast Asia.

Deal Sourcing / Target Screening

Easily and efficiently screen Southeast Asian companies using advanced search filters. Simplify deal sourcing by filtering based on Region, Industry, and Financials so you can spend more time making precise decisions.

Valuation and Deals Analysis

Gain access to comprehensive global M&A database for deals intelligence. Advanced search filters expedite research, helping you identify comparable deals by region, industry, or financial performance.

Industry Research

Access 3,000 original industry research reports by local experts for rapid industry insights. Organized by region, these reports cover market trends, growth, competition, and regulations, enabling quick industry understanding.

Peer Comparison

Gather essential financial data for precise performance analysis against key competitors. SPEEDA's Competitor Overview feature allows you to seamlessly compare and benchmark your target or portfolio companies performance against a curated set of competitors within the industry.

Due Dilligence

Perform commercial, financial due diligence on SPEEDA by accessing financials of key stakeholders, clients, partners to assert validity of target companies' QoE (Quality of Earnings) and viability of the transaction.